
Mengkritik bukan bermakna tidak suka, kita prihatin untuk memperbaiki, mengkritik kerana kita dapat lihat kesilapan yang berlaku dan kita melontarkan idea memberi cadangan untuk membetulkan kekurangan itu, mengkritik dengan ilmiah dan fakta itu sihat bukan mengkritik dengan emosi

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Walking away

I count the days till your return,
Why have you not yet come back?
I only have a memory of your face,
Do I disgust you?
And keep you away?
Everyday that goes by,
I am alone,
Waiting for you,
While you stood there
And walked away,
You were walking away....
But no longer shall I wait,
I have decided to leave,
Turn my back,
Just as you have,
One day you will feel the pain you caused me,
And you will count the days till my return,
You will only have a memory of face,
And will see my footsteps in the sand,
Walking away,
Walking away from you...

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