
Mengkritik bukan bermakna tidak suka, kita prihatin untuk memperbaiki, mengkritik kerana kita dapat lihat kesilapan yang berlaku dan kita melontarkan idea memberi cadangan untuk membetulkan kekurangan itu, mengkritik dengan ilmiah dan fakta itu sihat bukan mengkritik dengan emosi

Friday, November 1, 2013

Tomorrow is too late..

If you're mad with someone ,
and nobody's there to fix the situation,
You fix it.
Maybe today that person still wants
to be your friend,
And if u don't,
tomorrow can be too late .

If you're in love with somebody,
but that person doesn't know,
tell her/him.
today that person is
also in love with you .
And if you don't say it,
tomorrow can be too late .

If you really want to kiss somebody,
Just kiss her/him.
Maybe that person wants a kiss from you too.
And if you don't kiss her/him today,
tomorrow can be too late .

If you still love a person
that you think has forgetten you,
tell her/him.
Maybe that person have always loved you.
And if you don't tell her/him today,
tomorrow can be too late.

If you need a hug of a friend,
ask her/him for it.
Maybe they need it more than you do.
And if you don't ask for it today,
tomorrow can be too late.

If you really have friends who
you appreciate,
tell them.
Maybe they appreciate you as well.
That if you don't
and they leave or go far away today,
tomorrow can be too late.

So...no need to wait for tomorrow...coz tomorrow is too late...

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