
Mengkritik bukan bermakna tidak suka, kita prihatin untuk memperbaiki, mengkritik kerana kita dapat lihat kesilapan yang berlaku dan kita melontarkan idea memberi cadangan untuk membetulkan kekurangan itu, mengkritik dengan ilmiah dan fakta itu sihat bukan mengkritik dengan emosi

Friday, May 2, 2014

Dialog Music Video Wake Me Up When September Ends - Green Day

i know listen, life is short
listen if you wake up one day
and on that day
all your dreams
everything you wished for and
you wanted
gone just like that

people get old
and all things change and situations change
what i want is,
i just, i want this moment,
right now,
this day
my feelings for you,
the way you look right now,
when i look at you
i just want this to last forever

and it will,
and no matter what we always had this
and had each other
and nothing can change that
but just so you know
no matter what you always have somebody here for you
i'm never gonna leave you
i'm never gonna leave you
i love you

Boy:i know.i know.

don't ever leave me.

Boy: i wont.

dont ever leave.

Boy:i wont,i wont.

*Full Lyric

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